⚠️ Make sure to have docker engine installed.
I am going to be using Renegade-Master's
. Many zomboid docker solutions are similar, Renegade-Master’s incudes an script to set server settings with environment variables, which is very handy.
Clone the repo:
$ git clone https://github.com/Renegade-Master/zomboid-dedicated-server.git
and edit docker-compose
. Change the environment variables to your desire.
$ git clone https://github.com/Renegade-Master/zomboid-dedicated-server && cd zomboid-dedicated-server
$ vi docker-compose.yaml
version: "3.8"
context: .
dockerfile: docker/zomboid-dedicated-server.Dockerfile
image: "docker.io/renegademaster/zomboid-dedicated-server:latest"
container_name: zomboid-dedicated-server
restart: "no"
- "ADMIN_PASSWORD=changeme"
- "ADMIN_USERNAME=superuser"
- "BIND_IP="
- "DEFAULT_PORT=16261"
- "GAME_VERSION=public"
- "MAP_NAMES=Muldraugh, KY"
- "MAX_RAM=4096m"
- "RCON_PASSWORD=changeme_rcon"
- "RCON_PORT=27015"
- "SERVER_NAME=ZomboidServer"
- "STEAM_VAC=true"
- "UDP_PORT=16262"
- "USE_STEAM=true"
- "TZ=UTC"
- target: 16261
published: 16261
protocol: udp
- target: 16262
published: 16262
protocol: udp
- target: 27015
published: 27015
protocol: tcp
- ./ZomboidDedicatedServer:/home/steam/ZomboidDedicatedServer
- ./ZomboidConfig:/home/steam/Zomboid/
Next build and run the service
$ docker compose up -d --no-deps --build zomboid-dedicated-server
The server should begin shortly. It will take several minutes to start for the first time. Check the status with
$ docker container ls
and logs with
$ docker container logs {hash_from_previous_command}
You can further change settings using RCON or the in-game interface. To use to interface, you will have to make a player an administrators. The easiest way I found is to use gorcon
’s rcon-cli
Download the tar for your system from https://github.com/gorcon/rcon-cli/releases.
$ wget https://github.com/gorcon/rcon-cli/releases/download/{version}/rcon-{version}.tar.gz
$ tar xzf rcon-{version}.tar.gz
$ cp rcon-{version}/rcon /usr/local/bin/
$ rcon -e zomboid -a localhost:27015 -p "YOUR_RCON_PASSWORD"
> players
> setaccesslevel PLAYER admin
To change the settings, first stop the server:
$ docker compose stop zomboid-dedicated-server
Then make your changes in docker-compose.yaml
and rebuild and start the container:
$ docker compose up -d --no-deps --build zomboid-dedicated-server
To add a mod, add both the Mod Name and Mod Workshop ID, both commonly found on the bottom of the mod’s Steam workshop page, to the docker-compose.yaml
. For multiple mods, seperate the names and ids with a semi-colon (;). Remember to stop and rebuild the server for the changes to take affect.
If you are connecting over the internet make sure you have ports 16261/udp
and 16262/udp
open on your router. If you plan to use RCON
make sure port 27015/tcp
is open.
Make sure ports are open if using UFW
$ ufw status
$ ufw allow 16261:16262/udp
$ ufw allow 27015/tcp